Scientemp Corp

Have a question about low-temperature freezers? We have the answer at Scientemp Corp. Check out these FAQs and contact us today for more information!

  • How do I change the set point temperature on my temperature controller?

    The process will vary based on the unit you have.

    For CAL9500: To start, press and hold the * button. Then, while holding down the * button, press the directional buttons to change your temperature. Use the Up button to raise the temperature and the Down button to lower the temperature.

    For LOVE Controller: To change the temperature, press and release the Set button. The current value of order 1 will be displayed. The SP1 (freezer set point) and LED OUT 1 blink. Press the Up or Down buttons to increase or decrease the value. Press the Set button to confirm the new value. The actual value of order 2 will be displayed, and the SP2 (freezer alarm set point) and LED OUT 2 blink. Press the Up or Down button to increase or decrease your desired value. Press the Set button to confirm the new value and exit.

  • What kind of maintenance does my freezer require?

    Your freezer will require some basic maintenance to stay in good, working condition:

    • Regularly remove any frost buildup by using a wooden or plastic scraper
    • Freezers that are equipped with an air-cooled condenser need to be cleaned of dust and debris at least once a year (or more often if the freezer is located near excessive dust and dirt)
    • Clean off any debris with careful vacuuming or forced air
    • Check and replace batteries on Sonalarm and Chart Recorders (if equipped) regularly
  • How do I get to the condenser on my 45-01 or 86-01 freezer?

    You should start by clicking on the "Cleaning the 1.0 Condenser" button. This will give you a step-by-step direction sheet that explains how to get to your unit’s condenser.

  • How do I defrost my freezer?

    First, remove any products from inside your freezer. Then, unplug the freezer so it is disconnected from electricity. Open the lid or leave the door open. As the freezer warms up, you can remove any loose frost. After the frost is entirely removed, wipe away the moisture. Let the freezer airdry before plugging it back in for usage.

    For Ultra Cold Series freezers, please allow them to defrost and warm up for at least 24 to 48 hours before plugging them back in.

  • What should I do about frost build-up?

    As soon as frost begins to accumulate, remove it gently with a plastic or wooden scraper. When frost build-up is not removed on a regular basis, you could have problems. The door seal might fail, and your plastic door lining could crack if the door is forced shut with thick frost. Your freezer may also not maintain your desired temperature with frost build-up.

  • Can I drill a hole in my freezer?

    No, you should never drill holes in your freezer. If you do, you risk hitting a refrigeration line. In most cases, this damage cannot be repaired. If you want an access port, they can typically be installed at the time of your order. The cannot be added later. Please not that drilling a hole in your freezer voids your warranty.

  • What refrigerants are used in your freezers?

    For our Moderate Cold Series and Super Cold Series freezers, we use R404A. For our Ultra Cold Series freezers, we use R134A (High Stage) and R508B (Low Stage) refrigerant.

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